For help on receipts and certificate please contact 8553166466 or write to
Theme for the Poster Presentation
A. Dairy Production
B. Dairy Processing
C. Quality Assurance, Food Safety and Analytical Capability
D. Dairy Extension, Economics and Entrepreneurship
E. Case Studies and Innovative practices (From Dairy plants/ Farms/Feed Manufacturers).
Only E-Posters will be considered for presenatation
Poster monitor will be set only in Landscape style orientation.
Design your E-Poster in PowerPoint (PPT), all information (text, data, photos,
statistical figures, etc.) must appear within ONE (1) slide only. Save your PPT into PDF
Poster should be based on original Research Work / Case Study / Survey.
Review type or collected technical matter will not be accepted.
Poster Abstract should contain full name of author, designation, affiliation, contact
detail like e-mail and mobile number is Mandatory.
Poster should include Abstract, brief introduction, objectives, methodology, findings
and conclusion (not more than 1200 Words).
Times New Roman/Arial font should be used throughout the poster and font size of the
text should be at least 26 to 36 point.
The resolution of the monitors used for e-poster presentation is 16:9 ratio.
Total size of the presentation should not be exceeding more than 20 MB.
All the posters presented during the conference will get the certificate.
Under each theme prizes will be awarded for the best posters.
Certificate plus cash prize of Rs. 5k/3k/2k - provided there are more than ten
posters per subject. There will be only two prizes if there are less than 10
posters, respectively.
After submitting the poster, you will get the confirmation mail regarding
acceptance/rejection of the poster. The decision of the Poster Committee is final for
acceptance, display protocols, selection for the award, etc., will be final.
After acceptance of the poster, it is mandatory for the poster presenter to be a
registered delegate of the summit/conference.
After paying the registration fees fill the Google Form by clicking the following link
and upload your fee receipt/payment proof. The date and time of your poster presentation
will be informed to you later. Google